Thursday, May 1, 2014

The expansion begins!

Here we are again, back on the fertility roller coaster ride.

After nearly a 3 year journey to conceive our daughter Camille (10 rounds clomid, prometrium, estrodal, metformin,1 miscarriage, 1 HUGE cyst, loss of right ovary and 1 IUI), I didn't now if I would be able to go through this again.  Well....after having her I knew I'd go to hell and back to have another child. Children are a true blessing from God and I can't imagine my life without Camille.  I get excited to see her beautiful face every morning and hear the sweet sound of her little voice saying, "Mama!" I love driving home from work knowing she will greet me at the door as soon as she hears my car pull in the garage and yell, "Mama's home!"

Being a mother is more amazing and rewarding than I ever imagined.

In January by husband and I both agreed that we were ready to grow our family from 3 to 4. I called my Nurse Practitioner at our OBGYN's office and scheduled an appointment. We had a consult and set up our game plan to start our 'expansion project.'

Here was our game plan:

January-Clomid, Prometrium, Prenatal vitamin

Unfortunately, I did not ovulate that month. I did a great deal of research and learned that women with PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome) are resistant to Clomid. I called my Nurse Practitioner and she suggested we try another medication called Fumera.

February-Furmera, Prometrium, Prenatal vitamin

The switch to Fumera was a good one, as that month I ovulated! However.....we didn't get pregnant. On to month 3....

March-Fumera, Prometrium, Prenatal vitamin

I took Fumera for 2 days and had to stop. I had such crazy side effects I couldn't make it another 3 days to finish my prescribed doseage. My arms felt like they were on fire and my mind was racing like crazy. I've never felt so emotionally unstable in my life. It was terrible.

The morning of what would have been Day 3, I woke up and knew what we were doing wasn't working. I knew what I needed to do. I had to go back to the Colorado Center of Reproductive Medicine (CCRM).

I called CCRM and left a message on the nurse voice message at 6:30am asking for my previous nurse Katherine to call me back. Early that morning at 9am Katherine called me. Just to talk to her and hear her voice I knew I was doing what was in God's plan.

We set up a consult April 22 to meet with Dr. Eric Surrey to set up the game plan. The game plan included blood work, an ultra sound, and an HSG.  After 2 more trips to Denver and back and 8 hours of medical leave we're ready for a regroup with Dr. Surrey on May 6.  He will review all my tests and determine if we're ready to roll next month for an IUI.

Stay tuned....